Freezer Memories
I’ve been feeling blue lately
Not the kind that distracts us from all of the painful heartache this world has to offer
The kind that collects all of the gratifying moments
The moments so good you wish you could toss them in the freezer
And unthaw them again when you’re feeling somber
The kind that replays those moments over and over again
I lie in this pit of anguish
The seeds, my mindless wonders
I recognize that there are times that I will submerge myself in the company
of those whom I admire
cling to the melodies of their laughter
engulf in warmth
Not have to dance alone.
In my solitude I feel desolate
Paralyzed by melancholy
Waiting around like a mouse stuck in glue.
Eventually the seasons change
Spring rings a new verse
Embracing this pain is the only way through.
Like the worlds new flesh,
I will radiate so vibrant that
All those freezer memories melt away
And I’ll be stuck with nothing but the present
A gift wrapped in silver.
So I think I’ll feel blue
But the blue that holds me
The blue that speaks like the sky and reminds me that I’m limitless
The blue that makes me wonder what more could I want but to be here
Right now
Sinking into a calmness that frees me of my suffering
And moves me on my way.